Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hanging Out on Capri






There's a path just to the left of Bar Dude Gulfi, that you take to walk down to Marina Picolo to go swimming or whatever? I first discovered this path when the owner of the Hotel Carmencita in Anacapri told me the best way to get to Marina Picolo. He told me to take the little local bus to Due Gulfi, get off and take the path down to Marina Picolo. And so I did. That was in June of 2015. 

I had a great day swimming at Marina Picolo that day. I was even bitten by a Jellyfish, the first time ever as I swam back underneath the natural stone archway on my way back to the beach. The 1st time I swam over here was in the Summer of 1988, the first time I stayed in Capri, at the Pensione Villa Tosca ($40) which is still owned by the same family, though it has been upgraded to a much more expensive (but nice) little boutique hotel called La TOSCA .

After swimming at the beach at Marina Picolo that day, I took the little bus by the Chapel back up to Capritown. The bus stop is just a couple hundred feet down from the Piazza Umberto and the piazzetta by the Funicular that takes people from Marina Grande, up to Capritown. Right after you leave the bus-stop and are walking to the Piazza, you will spot the Salumeria Capri on your left, which I first discovered not in 1988, but on my stay in 2015 when I was walking from the bus that day to go to the Piazza Umberto to hang out and have an aperitivo (Aperol Spritz or Negroni) at Bar Tiberius.

Free Beach where I Swim


I spotted the salumeria and bopped in to get a bottle of water. The shop looked quite good, and I spotted the Arancini (rice balls) among other prepared foods (frittata & Eggplant Parmigiano) at the counter. So i got myself a large bottle of Mineral Water and a Rice-Ball). I took my stuff over to the piazzetta and sat on a bench overlooking a beautiful spot in Capri. I bit into the Arancino, and "Wow," dam this little baby was tasty. Extremely tasty I'd say. And wow I was a happy camper eating my tasty Rice Ball and wacthing the Sunset over the beautiful Isle of Capri. Again, "Wow," it doesn't get any better that this. I just had a wonderful day swimming off Capri, in the lovely waters of The Tyrrhenian Sea, and now I was eating the tastiest rice ball ever, taking in one of the World's most gorgeous views on Capri, Italy, and about to go have a Negroni at Bar Tiberius, one of my old hangouts way back in the 1980s when I was a much younger man, so full of life. Yes, I may be quite a bit older (and Wiser), but still very much full of life, though maybe with a bit of a different viewpoint of things now, I was reliving those wonderful old memories of a young man still in his 20s.

As I was eating that tasty rice ball, I decided right then and there, that a couple Arancini would be part of my beach lunch the next day, when I'd be swimming Capri again, but tomorrow it would be off the famed Faraglioni Rocks of Capri at the Da Luigi Beach Club by the majestic rocks of Capri.

The beach I swim at at




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